All donations, irrespective of size, are acknowledged and much appreciated. We accept contributions from individuals, corporates and trusts in South Africa, the UK and the USA. Terms and conditions apply.
There are several ways that you can give to St John’s College Advancement, the easiest being a secure online payment.
You may also deposit directly into the St John’s College Foundation bank account and email confirmation to [email protected] for tracking purposes.
The banking details for deposits from South Africa, the UK and the US can be found below:
South Africa
St John’s College Foundation Trust, Standard Bank Killarney, Branch Code: 007205, Account: 200303058, Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
United Kingdom
St John’s Foundation (UK) Trust Natwest, Moorgate Branch, Branch: 56-00-23, Account: 25047701, BIC: NWBK GB 2L, IBAN: GB75 NWBK 5600 2325 0477 01
United States of America
Should you wish to transfer funds directly to the US bank, please contact [email protected]
What is allowed by SARS in order for a donor to qualify for a tax certificate?
- The donation must be bona fide donations to an approved PBO with section 18A status.
- The donation must be in cash, property or goods with an ascertainable monetary value.
- The donation must be paid/transferred during the year of assessment.
- The donation can only be up to a limit of 10% of the taxpayer’s taxable income.
Conditions for issuing a 18A Tax certificate
- Bona Fide donations must be:
- gratuitous disposal out of liberality or generosity; and
- enabling the donee to be enriched and the donor to be impoverished.
- If the donor (or related party) receives any consideration or benefit at all it is not a donation and no Section 18A receipt can be issued.
In summary, the donation must be given out of benevolence with no benefit whatsoever to the donor. A donation is a unilateral contract in terms of which, the one party is under no obligation to act, but chooses to do so.
What does not qualify for a Section 18A certificate
- Pro bono services
- Tickets for fundraising dinner/dance/charity golf day
- Items bought on auction at a fundraising event
- Items donated for auction purposes, or the amount paid for the successful bid of goods auctioned
- Prizes and sponsorships donated for fundraising event
- Amounts paid for raffle or lottery tickets
- Amounts paid for school fees, entrance fees for school admittance or compulsory school levies
- Value of free rent, water and electricity provided by a lessor to the lessee which is an approved PBO
- Payments in respect of debt due
Additional Information
- An official SARS approved tax certificate must be used. Should you need a copy, please contact the Advancement office.
- The receipt must be issued in the tax year when the donation is received - this means that you can only issue an 18A certificate in the same tax year that the donation is made.
- The onus is on St John’s to request a IT12EI for reporting purposes, and to submit a statement and the supporting documentation- this can be prepared by an auditor or an independent accounting officer.
- The statement must contain:
- The full particulars of all the receipts issued in respect of deductible donations, in other words a list of all the section 18A receipts issued,
- And how these funds were spent
The relevant St John's custodian must keep records as follows:
- A copy of each tax certificate issued, together with proof of payment into the bank account
- A chronological list of all tax certificates issued.
- Proof that 50% of all donations received need to be spent within the year of receipt or acceptable arrangements made over a maximum period of 5 years.