The Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu Walk was held on Saturday, 7 October, what would have been the late Arch’s 92nd birthday. The young men and women of the St John’s and Roedean Academies, parents, and members of the greater Houghton-Hillbrow-Berea-Yeoville community and Johannian community came together for a pilgrimage to reflect and connect with the people and spaces around them.
The 5km route took the party through Roedean School, to Asteri Primary School, Barnato Park High School, St Aidan’s Anglican Church and King Edward VII School before arriving back at St John’s for a final reflection in Tutu Quad and a picnic on D Field.
At each station, representatives from each destination welcomed and offered participants their perspectives on the city, education, and the inequality confronted along the walk. This was enhanced by guided reflections, Bible readings and prayers at each station. Participants were left feeling disquieted by the challenges facing our neighbouring precinct but were also made hopeful by the conversations had along the way, by the potential to connect more meaningfully in future, and by the spirit of Ubuntu that was felt by all. We are proud of this annual event that has been born.