St John's College

Jonathan Stagman achieved an average of 91.1% and eight distinctions in Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, German Second Additional Language, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, as well as Further Studies Mathematics Extended.

He was included on the IEB Commendable Achievements list and featured in the top 1% of candidates per subject in Mathematics and Physical Sciences. He also achieved 99% in his mathematics examination. His general plans for 2023 are to study something with a mathematical bent.

Reflecting on 2022, Jonathan says, “It was a tough year, but I believe it went well. I put the work in, and that was reflected in my results.” Jonathan was awarded his Academic Honours at St John’s and enjoyed participating in Maths Olympiads, appreciating the change of approach from the school curriculum. He used to be a swimmer, but academics, from Lower IV (Grade 9), became his focus.

Jonathan’s lasting impressions of his time at St John’s have been the exceptional teachers he’s had. “Their support has extended beyond the academic, and I’ll remember our wide-ranging conversations fondly”, he says.

As advice to younger boys, Jonathan says: “It’s trite, but keep at it. There will be ups and downs, but perseverance trumps all. Remember, also, that matric itself is not the be-all and end-all. The St John’s teachers are well-equipped to prepare us for matric, but even better equipped to prepare us for life outside school. Try not to lose that sense of perspective.”