St John's College

The start of the year at St John’s College is marked by the wonderful tradition of Community Mass on Burger Field, presided over by The Visitor, The Right Revd Dr Steve Moreo, Bishop of Johannesburg. This annual gathering holds a special place in our hearts as students from across our schools, the Academy leadership, Council members, staff, and parents come together under the gaze of our school's magnificent northern facade and the sounds of the St John’s Choir.

“We live in times of great turbulence and extremes. Violence, war and escalating inflation bring suffering to those who were comfortable and misery to those who are already poor. We see destructive and dangerous weather extremes. A deadly pandemic has raced across the planet. Warmongering political leaders seem to have taken the stage. Resurgent hunger threatens billions of people. We are entering a time of great testing. The future will be difficult. But Friends, life continues in its ordinariness. A friend of mine shared some reflection at the beginning of the year by quoting someone else who had said: “It is not what happens that determines the major part of your future. What happens happens to all of us. It is what you do about what happens that counts.” We need to view all these events from an eternal perspective, knowing that God will keep us.

“It is not what happens that determines the major part of your future. What happens happens to all of us. It is what you do about what happens that counts.”
The Visitor, the Right Revd Dr Steve Moreo, Bishop of Johannesburg

Mr West and Mr Khanyile, together with the Council, the pastoral team, teachers, the administration staff, parents and students, thank you for your contribution to our Diocesan School and for bringing hope to a hopeless education system in our country. For that, we, as the Diocese, are truly grateful for your leadership. Congratulations to St John's, once again, for the matric results of 2023!" - except from sermon by The Visitor, The Right Revd Dr Steve Moreo, Bishop of Johannesburg