
Hugh huggett

Obituary: Hugh Henry Huggett (Nash 1958)

St John’s College has suffered a grave loss of a revered Johannian with the death of Hugh Henry Huggett, an education activist and throughout his life, a man who followed the principle of Ubuntu in his varied and memorable career and in all that he had done.

OJA Newsletter December 2023

Old Johannian Newsletter 2023 - December

As St John's College marks its 125th milestone, the Old Johannian Association (OJA) emerges as a crucial force in preserving the institution's legacy and sustainability. The OJA, integral to the broader St John's community, understands the necessity of a robust Old Johannian (OJ) network in upholding the values and ethos beyond the school walls.

OJA Newsletter September 2023 cover

Old Johannian Newsletter 2023 - September

As the St John’s community recognises and celebrates the significant milestone of its 125th birthday, it is an opportune time to appreciate the importance of the Old Johannian Association and its worldwide network of Old Johannians in the legacy and sustainability of St John’s. 2023 sees the Old Johannian Association celebrate its own significant milestone of having been in existence for 120 years, to complement that of St John’s.