One of the strengths of St John’s College is our House system. One of the most important roles the houses play is to give to each boy a sense of belonging.
He is a Johannian, but he is also a proud member of his House. This means that he belongs to a small family within the bigger family of St John’s. He identifies with his house through flags, war cries, his housemaster/mistress and his head of house.
In inter-house competitions he sings, runs, swims, debates, acts and plays all the sporting codes for his house. His housemaster/mistress disciplines, supports, encourages, and tracks his academic progress, his involvement in sport and cultural activities, and in this way monitors his well-being. The leadership programme operated within the houses with mentors, portfolios and community service, also contributes to his growth and development.
Our pupils enjoy inter-house music, inter-house swimming, and inter-house debating. The value of the house system lies in its giving to each boy a brotherhood of boys to whom he belongs, and to whom he is accountable. It is the house system, with tutors in each house that provides the essential pastoral care. Every boy is accountable to the other boys in his house for his behaviour. The housemaster/mistress, head of house and tutors will hold him accountable.
Every boy in this school needs to be known and loved. We all have a responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our boys, but it is the house structure that gives this meaning within the context of St John’s College. Our desire is that every boy is proud to belong to his house; is committed to ensure its success and upholds the honour and traditions of the house.