St John's College


Michaelmas College Life 2022 Page 1

College Life Michaelmas Term 2022

It was a very busy year last year, and the last part of the Michaelmas term was no exception to this rule.

As you will see from this retrospective College Life, we ended the year with many celebrations – fitting, given the excellence of our students. From the Senior Eskom International Science Fair to premieres at Film Festivals, from academics to sports to cultural activities, our students and staff covered a vast range of activities with excellence.

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UV Speech Day

St John’s College Celebrated the Upper UV Speech Day on Thursday 13 October, in Pelican Quad. This is always a special occasion as we celebrate and recognise matric achievers, our dedicated staff and their supportive parents.


Polar Bear Swim

St John’s Prep hosted their annual Polar Bear Swim, taking to the icy waters of Long Walk Pool to help raise funds for the completion of the new Aquatics Centre, raising enough money to get Stuart West, Executive Headmaster at St John's College, and Lester Lalla, Preparatory Headmaster into the freezing water.