St John's College

St John’s Prep provides a progressive, high quality education in the key area of Mathematics. While we aim to create a sound foundation for Senior School, we strive to develop in our boys a curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject. Confidence, the ability to think critically, and the application of knowledge in a variety of contexts is the overriding goal of our Mathematics teaching.

Smaller groups allow for a more flexible pace of work that can be determined by the needs of the group. Capable students in the general classes are provided with the opportunity to extend their skills with extension work and problem solving.

The Maths Centre creates a fun environment where boys work in pairs or small groups, using cooperative learning strategies to tackle various reality based problems. The Maths Centre also provides the boys with the opportunity to use concrete apparatus and test their skills on various measuring instruments.

Mathematics is a critical learning area in providing the foundations for so many other learning areas, and we enjoy being able to provide our boys with the skills and knowledge that make their passage into the College a new and exciting journey.